

Rosemarie in Action

River Cleanup

River Cleanup

Rosemarie at the Merced River Cleanup (no piece of trash was too far off the trail!)


Exploring the Merced River near Bagby with Jim Spotts. Rosemarie has been a strong and persistent opponent of Merced Irrigation District's attempts to raise the level of Lake McClure by de-designating a segment of the Wild and Scenic Merced River. The MERG website has the most extensive analysis of the proposed spillway modification project.

Rosemarie contacted river rafting companies, local businesses and the BLM to analyze the economic impact that flooding a segment of the Wild and Scenic Merced River would have on the Mariposa County Economy as is reported in this press release and by the Sierra Club here.

Rosemarie wrote and sponsored a Resolution that the California Democratic Party adopted in opposition to any de-designatiIon of a segment of a Wild and Scenic River in California. Rosemarie has also used her considerable experience dealing with government officials and their staffs to glean critical information about bills related to the de-designation.

Don Neubacher

Rosemarie introducing Don Neubacher at the Mariposa Dem Club when Don and Kathleen Morse did the first public presentation of the Draft Merced River Plan.


Heading to Happy Isles with Jim Spotts and Bart Brown to better understand the implications of the Merced River Plan Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Rosemarie has worked closely with Park management and staff to bring the Merced River Plan to completion and assure that the Final Environmental Impact Statement and Plan meets both the needs of the public and protects the Merced River.

Yellowstone has rivers too, and you can take the dogs up to 100' from the road!


Building the family home in Jerseydale, Rosemarie proved that she is a hard working, hands on kind of owner-builder.


Taking a break from home building on a hot day in 2009.



On the other hand, some winters, a walk with the dogs requires snowshoes.



Just because you are a Master Gardener does not mean that you don't need to do the work!

with Marc Boyd

Rosemarie hosting a house party for Congressional Candidate Marc Boyd in Jerseydale...

Rosemarie convening a caucus to elect district delegates to the Democratic National Convention in 2012.


Rosemarie in Sacramento at a Healthcare Rally to overturn cuts to healthcare funding.

Resolutions Committee

Rosemarie testifying before the California Democratic Party Resolution Committee in order to restore funding to rural hospitals. Her resolution passed. She is quoted in an article here and her role recognized here.

Education Panel

Rosemarie organized and led a panel on Changes to Education in Rural Counties at the Rural Caucus at the California Democratic Party Executive Board Meeting in San Francisco, November 2013. The panel was so well received that she was asked arrange a similar panel at the State Democratic Convention in March. Rosemarie is the Executive Board member who represents Mariposa County to the State Democratic Party.

Education Panel

Rosemarie was asked to organize and conduct a second panel on Education in Rural Counties for the Rural Caucus at the California Democratic Party State Convention in Los Angeles, March 2014. This panel emphasized Career Technical Education, or what used to be called Vocational Education where the school system works with local business and industry to make sure that graduates are properly trained to fill local jobs.


Rosemarie on the Labor Day Parade Float 2012. The parade would not likely have happened without Rosemarie's efforts to organize volunteers after the Lions Club said that they would not have enough volunteers to hold the parade in 2012. Rosemarie's role was acknowledged here and here in articles on the parade.


Rosemarie at the Dem Club Booth at the County Fair is 2012.....


And 2013


Rosemarie protesting in Fresno over the Ryan Budget cuts to healthcare at a Paul Ryan fundraiser.