

Smallcombe Announces for District 1 Supervisor
Fire safety, jobs and grant acquisition to be focus of campaign

Submitted by Rosemarie Smallcombe

Rosemarie Smallcombe today announced that she has formed a campaign committee to support her in becoming the next County Supervisor from District 1.

Rosemarie"Service to community is one of my core beliefs, not just an easy phrase," she said. "I started volunteering with the Head Start Program in high school and have since volunteered in a variety of organizations, from working a suicide and crisis hotline to serving on non-profit boards. My demonstrated commitment to the community, success in building relationships among groups with varied interests, and experience solving complex problems will benefit District 1 and Mariposa County."

Known within District 1 for her efforts to protect John C. Fremont Hospital from state budget cuts, protection of the Wild and Scenic designation for the lower Merced River and working with Troy Foster to save the 2012 Labor Day Parade, Rosemarie brings a professional resume she says will benefit the people of District 1 and Mariposa County.

"Because we love this place, when I see a problem, I do my best to solve it," she said. A glance at her professional background shows why.

"I spent my professional life solving problems for high tech companies in Silicon Valley. My job was to understand business goals and evaluate them against laws and regulations and ensure my companies were successful. I know how to help business find ways to accomplish their goals by working with government," she said.

With family roots in Colorado agriculture, Rosemarie understands the challenges of managing and protecting the land and the environment. "My father owned a cattle ranch in the Rocky Mountains and he taught me a deep love for the land. As an independent rancher, keeping his business going required hard work and dedication. I also inherited my work ethic from my parents."

Helping small business and developing the economy, while preserving the rural character of the region, is a priority for Rosemarie. "Resource protection and job creation are not mutually exclusive -- they should be partners. We are paying a price for the success of Smokey Bear and a century of fire suppression," she stated. "Establishing fire safe zones and reducing fuel loads can be done responsibly and create jobs," she concluded.

According to Rosemarie, Mariposa County needs to be more proactive in pursuing state, federal and private grants. "Resources are available to help our community in several areas. To name a few: reducing fuel loads, increasing wifi/internet access, more job training and job development. It is time for us to take advantage of more of the funding opportunities that exist. I will make it one of my top priorities as Supervisor."

Rosemarie and her husband of almost thirty years, Steve, make their home in Jerseydale, a place they chose to live after spending time in the area and getting to know the people. "Like most we fell in love with the beauty of area, but once we started meeting all the truly wonderful people here, we knew this was the place for us." They spend time enjoying the outdoors, tending to their menagerie of rescue dogs, cats and other animals, and volunteering for a number of local organizations.

"Serving the people of District 1 would be a privilege," says Rosemarie. "I want to give back to the community that I call home."

More about Rosemarie Smallcombe can be found at her website: