Agencies and Committees
Some may think that being a County Supervisor is a part time job with attending the Tuesday Board meeting as one’s whole responsibility. The county and the wellbeing of its citizens however depends on things happening at the state and regional levels as well as locally. There are a number of agencies whose work affects the wellbeing of the citizens of the county and the county’s economy. One of the responsibilities of a County Supervisor is to represent the county at these various agencies and committees, as well as being a liaison to various County Departments. Done right, the job of a County Supervisor is a full-time job, and that is the way I do my job for the citizens of District 1 and Mariposa County.
Below is the list of agencies and committees to which I was assigned in 2021.
1. Area 12 Agency on Aging/PSA 12: Representative
2. Calaveras-Mariposa Community Action Agency: Representative
3. California Forest Management Task Force: Representative
4. California State Association of Counties (CSAC): Alternate
5. Central Sierra Connect (CSC) Policy & Technical Committees: Alternate
6. County Medical Services Program (CMSP): Alternate
7. First 5 of Mariposa County: Representative
8. Foreign Trade Zone Advisory: Member
9. Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo): Commissioner
10. Mariposa County Air Pollution Control District: Director
11. Mariposa County Behavioral Health Board: Representative
12. Mariposa County In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority: Vice Chair
13. Mariposa County Water Agency Board of Directors: Director
14. Mountain Valley Emergency Medical Services Agency & Regional Advisory Board: Alternate
15. National Association of Counties (NACO) : Alternate
16. Sierra Nevada Conservancy: Representative
17. Yosemite Area Regional Transportation System (YARTS) JPA: Representative
18. Yosemite Gateway Partners: Liaison
19. Yosemite/Mariposa County Tourism Bureau: Representative
20. Yosemite/Sequoia Resource Conservation & Development Council: Representative
21. Veterans Collaborative
My level of engagement in these organizations varies considerably. For example, only a few meetings of the Foreign Trade Zone Advisory have been scheduled in my seven years on the Mariposa Board, but I was able to bring my knowledge of laws and regulations governing imports and exports to those meetings. I’ve attended many meetings of the California State Association of Counties (CSAC) and have undertaken leadership roles on the juvenile justice realignment workgroup, the In-Home Supportive Services workgroup and the Womens’ Leadership Forum of CSAC.
Since formation of the Tree Mortality Task Force in November 2015 (now the Wildfire and Forest Resilience Task Force), I’ve participated not only in their monthly meetings, but I’ve also served on several subcommittees such as the Regulations Working Group and the Roads subgroup of the Forest Management Working Group as well as co-leading the Insurance subgroup. I also lead the Biochar Group under the Joint Institute for Wood Product Innovations as part of the State’s larger effort to identify economically beneficial uses for the excess wood in our forests.
I serve as the Board’s liaison to the Yosemite Gateway Partners which meets quarterly, but I’ve also been elected to their Board of Directors which meets monthly. I am on the Executive Committee of the Yosemite/Sequoia Resource Conservation and Development Council. I served on the Board of the Sierra Nevada Conservancy in 2020 and 2021.