Economic Development -- Diverse economic development strategies are crucial for sustaining and creating jobs. We need to support agriculture, broadband expansion and education in addition to tourism. For example, I believe remote work facilities are part of the future. One way to build on that is to encourage professionals who can work remotely to move to Mariposa. We need to use social networking and marketing to reach out to these folks and convince them Mariposa is the place they want to live, work and raise their families.
I am working with a local citizens group, Sierra Nevada Conservancy, the County and the the Statewide Wood Energy Team to bring a biomass processing facility to Mariposa County so that we can derive economic value from the biomass generated in fuel reduction projects thus helping to finance our much needed fuel reduction efforts. In addition to the jobs created by the fuel reduction efforts and the biomass facility itself, the facility, located at the County Landfill or adjacent industrial park, will produce low cost electricity as well as heat that can be used to attract industry to the immediate area, thus diversifying our local economy.
I working with a group of citizens, County employees and Sierra Telephone Internet to increase broadband access in the county and potentially provide free WiFi in the town of Mariposa and the Fair Grounds.