Archives of Material Once on the Home Page
Seniors, Do you need help with minor home repairs?
Area 12 Agency on Aging working with Habitat For Humanity of Mariposa County can help with minor home repairs and yard work for seniors in the County. Minor home repairs can include light electrical, installation of grab bars, minor step repair, or repairs to aid in fall prevention. Phone numbers are (209) 532-6272 or (800) 510-2020.
Businesses, can you help seniors with yard maintenance and minor home repair including light electrical and plumbing?
The Area 12 Agency on Aging is looking for businesses that can provide the minor home repair and yard maintenance services they offer to seniors in Mariposa County. For example, if a senior is advised by County Fire to weed-eat their yard, Area 12 can contract with a business to have them complete the work for the homeowner. A12AA asks that the business carries $1,000,000 general liability and $500,000 in auto liability. If you are interested, contact Doreen Schmidt at Area 12 at 209-532-6272, ext. 205.
New Site, Expanded Capacity for Public COVID-19 Testing Is Now Available
Click here for a high resolution version in pdf format.
Information on COVID-19 Related Food Distribution
Here is a pdf document prepared by County staff outlining the various channels for food distribution during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Information from the County's Health and Human Services Agency on Health Insurance and Food Assistance During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic
The County's Health and Human Services Agency prepared flyers in pdf format on how to apply for health insurance in English and Spanish. Click on the right link to download.
The County's Health and Human Services Agency prepared flyers in pdf format on how to apply for alFresh food assistance in English and Spanish. Click on the right link to download.
For Yosemite West Property Owners,
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Yosemite West District Advisory Committee is scheduled for this Thursday, September 12th at 2:00 at the NatureBridge campus on Henness Ridge Road with this Agenda.
I hope you can attend. In preparation for that meeting, Ms. Kassy Chauhan, Senior Sanitary Engineer, Merced District of the Division of Drinking Water of the State Water Resources Control Board prepared a letter about the proposed expansion of the Yosemite West service area. Also attached is the sanitary survey report recently completed by the Division that is referenced in Ms. Chauhan’s letter. Ms. Chauhan has agreed to call into the YW DAC meeting to review the main points of her letter and answer questions.
Fire in The Sierra
The Central Sierra Historical Society and Museum is proud to present, “Fire in the Sierra: Learn from the Past, Create a Better Future”. Scheduled for February 23rd in Mariposa at the Board Chambers, this session will be focused for those who work in natural resources, support organizations that do, and who influence the region.
This one-day workshop will include presentations from a variety of speakers including professional foresters, professors, wildlife biologists, and those working in natural resources. Please see the itinerary below.
By attending you will gain a perspective on the history of fire in the Sierra Nevada and a comprehensive overview of the current challenges and opportunities surrounding the management of forest lands and the influence of fire in the Sierra.
Space is limited for this event and registration is required. A light lunch will be provided. The workshop series is made possible through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
If you would like to attend this free event call (559) 841-4478 or e-mail Lisa Monteiro at

Funding Assistance for Federal Employees

The Federal Employee Education and Assistance Fund is making $100 grants available to civilian federal employees impacted by the shutdown. Please read and share the press release available By clicking here.
Also, a group of Mariposa citizens has pooled some funds to offer no interest loans to such employees who need help. For more information, contact Kim Monson at
Thursday, January 18, 2018 , 1:30 – 2:30 PM. See flyer here. Please plan to attend this meeting if you’d like to help improve the health of Mariposa County. We’re one of a relatively small number of counties in the entire country that is pursuing accreditation. This meeting, as the flyer notes, will help the outside consultant working with our Health Department to develop a comprehensive Community Health Improvement Plan — something we haven’t had before! Come learn about the accreditation process and share your thoughts and suggestions about how we can do better!
My first two and a half years in office have been exciting, and I am working very hard - in the office every weekday and working on the Board packet during the weekend in preparation for the next week’s Board meeting. I’ve also been traveling a lot in my conjunction with my responsibilities with the County and Governor’s tree mortality committees and working groups. I continue to pursue my efforts to assure those who live in rural communities, especially those in the Sierra, have access to affordable home owner’s insurance.
Historical Preservation
Here is a presentation about historical preservation that I would like to present for ideas as to how we might preserve our history.
The Temporary Sorting and Debris Reduction (TSDR) operation at the corner of Triangle and East Westfall
A few months ago there was lots of discussion of placing a Temporary Sorting and Debris Reduction (TSDR) operation at the corner of Triangle and East Westfall for use by PG&E and those companies that PG&E has contracted with to remove the dead trees that they have felled near peoples homes as part of PG&E’s debris management program. The plan was that at the TSDR site, logs that were merchantable would be separated and sent to appropriate sawmills, etc. , and slash and otherwise unusable wood debris would be chipped and sent to biomass facilities. Some people with properties nearby objected. PG&E has abandoned plans for using this property and is now hauling the same logs and debris to a similar site in Oakhurst. PG&E reports that using Oakhurst has significantly raised their costs.
The material below appeared while this page was in campaign mode in 2014
Rosemarie Smallcombe has won the election for Mariposa Board of Supervisors, District 1.
The unofficial final results are now in. With 100% of the votes counted:
Rosemarie Smallcombe 58.6%
Karen Smith 24.2%
Brad Aborn 17.2%
Rosemarie wins outright with more than 50% of the vote and will not have to compete in the November election! The phone has started to ring with calls of congratulations!
See Rosemarie's Certificate of Election.
I just received her official notice of the Swearing-in Ceremony on January 6th. I very much appreciated the effort so many people put into getting me elected and I hope you all can attend the ceremony at 9:00 AM at the Board of Supervisors Meeting. See official notice here.
The Sierra Sun Times conducted a poll the day after the election about whether or not people were surprised about Rosemarie capturing almost 60% of the vote in a three-person primary.
Information posted prior to the Election
At the various candidates' events, I have advanced the idea of a biomass facility here in Mariposa County as a way of promoting forest health and fire safety while diversifying our local economy. We now have a website for the Mariposa Biomass Project for those interested in learning more details about the proposed project.
The J.C. Fremont Healthcare District has had financial challenges in the last few years because of Medi-Cal budget cuts. Find out how Rosemarie helped the Healthcare District in this crisis.
I am proud to have been endorsed by organizations with a wide range of interests including the Mariposa Gazette. See my new Endorsements Page, or read Letters to the Editor from my supporters.
You need to be registered to vote to vote for Rosemarie. May 19th was the last day to register to vote for the June 3rd election. If you are not registered, make sure you register to vote before the November elections when the District 1 representative to the School Board will be elected. You can register to vote online:
A video for the AAUW May 7th District 1 Candidates forum in El Portal is now available thanks to the Sierra Sun Times. Note which candidate brought great tasting local water to the event in a reusable bottle.
There is a new item on the FAQ page concerning Rosemarie's experience with handling complex issues. Even here supporters are likely to learn something reading this entry!
The AAUW sponsored a candidates forum on April 30th with all 8 candidates for Supervisor present. A Sierra Sun Times video of the event is here.
Read Rosemarie's views about the proposed Conference Center/4-star Hotel and the NPS Visitors Center on the updated Mariposa County Issues page.
The Mariposa Gazette asked all the candidates to respond to a series of questions. Read the answers to the first question about the candidates' top concern here. The second question in the Gazette series asks the candidates about the County's economy and jobs. Read the responses here. The third question and answers are about fiscal responsibility. The forth question and answers are about career and life experience. And the fifth about why do you want to be a County Supervisor.
All of the District 1 and 3 of the District 3 candidates spoke at the April Mariposa Democratic Club Meeting. Here is a link to a video taken by the Sierra Sun Times of the various candidates and the Q&A sessions.
The June Election: It's been so many years since we've had more than 2 candidates running for Supervisor in District 1 that many people have forgotten the election on June 3rd is essentially a primary election requiring at least one candidate to receive 50% plus 1 to win. With three candidates in the race it is unlikely that one candidate will achieve the necessary 50% plus 1 votes and the top 2 candidates will compete in a runoff on the November ballot. Here is an article from the Sierra Sun Times that discusses this process relative to the 2012 election.
Rosemarie Smallcombe: Rosemarie has used her business and management experience combined with her love of the environment and her fellow citizens to make a difference in Mariposa County as can be seen in the Rosemarie in Action page and various articles in the local press. There is also a very special story called Rosemarie, Reagan and the Prince of Darkness.
Read Rosemarie's campaign announcement as it appeared in the Mariposa Gazette and the Sierra Sun Times.
"Service to community is one of my core beliefs. My demonstrated commitment to the community, success in building relationships among groups with varied interests, and experience you can trust to solve complex problems will benefit District 1 and Mariposa County.
Helping small business and developing the economy, while preserving the rural character of the region, is a priority for me. Resource protection and job creation are not mutually exclusive -- they should be partners. Serving the people of District 1 would be a privilege. I want to give back to the community that I call home." - Rosemarie Smallcombe, Candidate for Distict 1 Supervisor
Photo by David Greenwood of the section of the Wild and Scenic Merced River that Rosemarie is fighting to protect.